travel program - general information
There is one document linked below that you will need to print, complete and bring to tryouts. You will be contacted at the email address that you provide by May 8th, 2023 - with the date, time and location of your player's tryout as each team will be holding their tryouts independently.
Travel Overview:
Both boys’ and girls’ competitive travel teams accept players ages 8-14. We are a participating member of the Ohio Travel Soccer League (OHTSL). Players get the opportunity to represent the City of Brunswick while playing against other communities in the Northeast Ohio area. Teams play two outdoor seasons, Fall and Spring.
Each season, 4 games are played at home and 4 games are played away and most all games are within a 45 minute radius of Brunswick. Practices are typically two times/week during the season in addition to one game/week typically on Sundays.
BSA provides experienced trainers at all age levels. Our staff trainers also include our local high school coaches who share their knowledge and passion for the game with our players.
Boys and Girls Travel Try-Outs Will Be In May
Please complete this registration form to register your child for 2023-24 Travel Season Soccer Tryouts being held May 15 - 31st, 2023.

contact us
Brunswick Soccer Association
P.O Box 633
Brunswick, Ohio 44212